Community Health Foundation Provides Support for Practical Nursing Scholarships
Community Health Foundation, a service delivery line of CHSGa, has donated $6,000 in scholarships.
The Augusta Technical College Foundation is pleased to announce that the Community Health Foundation, a service delivery line of CHSGa, has donated $6,000 in scholarships to support students enrolled in the Practical Nursing Program at Augusta Technical College.
Named the CHSGa Practical Nursing Student Scholarship, the scholarships will be available later this summer as part of the College’s move to an online scholarship application portal, making it easier for students to locate and apply for scholarships. Eligibility criteria include enrollment in the Practical Nursing Program, good academic standing, and a completed FAFSA on file with the Office of Financial Aid.
“This fund is being established as part of our relationship with the College, in particular to support students in the Practical Nursing Diploma Program. The CHSGa service delivery lines employ hundreds of LPNs throughout the state. As part of our initiative to support students’ pursuit of their entry-level careers and career paths, this scholarship fund seeks to set that process in motion,” stated Amy Abel, Director of Communications for CHSGa . “Students will be able to apply for funding to assist with books, uniforms, support for clinical experiences, and licensing exam preparations.”
Community Health Foundation, Inc. (CHF) is a non-profit charitable organization. The Foundation’s mission is to serve others through positive change by:
- Providing ministry and support to associates during a crisis time
- Facilitating individual involvement in community projects; and
- Helping to shape and model a more positive corporate culture.
CHSGa has more than 15 years of delivering direct access to health services throughout Georgia. Through the service delivery lines they provide access to a wide range of comprehensive health services and programs, from skilled nursing care to pharmacy services, using state-of-the-art technology and equipment. As knowledgeable advisers, they are dedicated to assisting Georgians with health service decisions.
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3200 Augusta Tech Drive, Augusta, GA 30906
If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Beverly Peltier Director, Institutional Advancement & The Augusta Technical College Foundation (706.771.4023).
About Augusta Technical College
Founded in 1961, Augusta Technical College, a unit of the Technical College System of Georgia, is a public postsecondary institution that promotes and provides the education, economic, and community development needs of its service area (Burke, Columbia, Lincoln, McDuffie, and Richmond Counties). Associate of Science Degrees, Associate of Applied Science Degrees, diplomas, and technical certificates of credit are provided through traditional and distance delivery methods. The College achieves its mission by providing academic and technical education, student support services, customized business and industry training, economic development services, continuing education, and adult education services.
About The Augusta Technical College Foundation
The Augusta Technical College Foundation, Inc. was incorporated in 1987 by community leaders under the Georgia Non-Profit Corporations Act and is certified as a charitable organization. It has met the standard requirements of the Internal Revenue Service within the meaning of IRS Code Sec. 501 (c) (3). The purpose of the Augusta Technical College Foundation, Inc. is to support Augusta Technical College’s mission of offering programs and services that enhance student and community success through the attainment of technical certificates of credit, diplomas, associates degrees, customized training, non-credit continuing education and adult education. The College supports the economic empowerment of its five-county region by focusing on teaching and learning and developing an experience for career development. The Foundation functions as a development organization to receive charitable contributions for the improvement of Augusta Technical College. The Foundation provides assurance to those considering gifts to the College that the assets will be kept separate from public funds, will be invested in a prudent manner and will only be used as directed by the donor.