Student Complaints

General Complaints

Complaints or grievances should be forwarded in writing to the Vice President of Student Affairs (Dr. Nichole Spencer, Building 1300, (706) 771-4035) for appropriate referral. The standard procedure for reporting and settling these complaints and/or grievances is listed under “appeal procedure” found in the Student Handbook. See Grievance Procedure Policy for more information.

Academic Complaints

Students who have complaints about academic issues should follow the established chain of command based on the Grievance Policy found in the Student Handbook and first attempt to contact the instructor.

Should the issue not be resolved, they can then contact the Director of Distance Education who will direct the student to the appropriate academic dean, if needed.  For content delivery issues, the student should contact the Director of Distance Education.

Content Delivery Issues

For content delivery issues, the students should first attempt to contact the instructor. Should the issue not be resolved, they can then contact the office of the Director of Distance Education for assistance.

Out of State Online Only Students

Any complaints pertaining to an Augusta Technical College online course or program should be filed with Augusta Technical College in accordance with the College’s Grievance Procedure Policy.

Complaints needing further investigation beyond the college level may be submitted to TCSG using the Program Integrity Complaint Form. Before submitting to TCSG, students need to ensure they have followed the institution’s process.

A student may appeal to the  Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission (GNPEC) if the institution’s and TCSG’s resolution is not satisfactory; however, please note that the Commission will not investigate a complaint unless the student has exhausted all available grievance procedures outlined by the institution. GNPEC does not resolve complaints about student grades and student conduct violations. These complaints fall under the jurisdiction of institutional policy.


Netiquette (Network Etiquette) Guidelines – Let’s Keep It Professional!

  • Always be respectful and courteous of others when using Online Communication (Email, Discussion Forums, Blogs, and so on.)
  • Do not shout. All capital letters is considered SHOUTING.
  • User proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation. What is appropriate for texting is not always appropriate for course communication.
  • Do not use inappropriate language. What you post will be seen by others.
  • Keep personal information private.
  • Obey copyright laws.